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Re: re: mg11400 making MatrixForm the default

>     As a newcomer to Mathematica and always irritated by difficult to use 
>     software , as I study some of the questions and answers thru mathgroup
>     I saw one about having MatrixForm be the default.   The answer given
>     seems , to me anyway, to come right out of the clear blue sky,
>     something that would seem difficult to reason out and absurdly
>     complex.  In my own attempt to always make things simpler to
>     understand, easier to use, etc.  I wondered why couldnt there simply
>     be a command in Mathematica that just says this:
>         MatrixForm/Default
>     Compare this to the answer given (basically abbreviated but just
>     intended to show all the statements involved )
>       MakeBoxes[Function[MatrixQ[Unevaluated[HoldAll[Form[GridBox...and it
>     goes on and on ....]
>     I cant help it but my blood simply boils at this kind of statement.
>     With Time such an important quantity and math itself  difficult
>     enough, why should Mathematica add more complexity to it?
>                thanks.   Jerry Blimbaum   US Navy Lab   Panama City
>     Florida

If you want everything to be displayed in MatrixForm you can do

   $PrePrint = MatrixForm

which is about as simple as the command that you suggested.  The more
elaborate solution that you quoted was presumably intended for a
different purpose, or with a different interpretation of what "having
MatrixForm be the default" means.

Dave Withoff
Wolfram Research

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