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Re: Automatic generation of piecewise functions

William F. Campbell wrote:

>   I am trying to generate a single function f[x], which has different
> definitions depending on the values of x (i.e. a piecewise function).
> I proceeded as follows:

> Clear[f];
> sampleÚble[f[x_]«i]*x+b[i]/;Evaluate[x>-1&&x<-,{i,2}]

> The output returned looked correct:
> {b[1]+a[1] x/;x>&x<b[2]+a[2] x/;x>&x<-

> When I looked at the definition for f, it seemed correct as well: ?f

> Global `f

> f[x_]»1]+a[1] x/;x>&x<

> f[x_]»2]+a[2] x/;x>&x<-

> But when I attempted to use the definition, f[0.5]

> 0.5 a[1]+b[1]/;0.5>&0.5<

> whose full form is
> FullForm[f[0.5]]

> Condition[Plus[Times[0.5,a[1]],b[1]],
>   And[GreaterEqual[0.5,0],LessEqual[0.5,1]]]

> Why doesn't the Condition evaluate?  How can I change the construct used
> in sample above to obtain a working definition for a piecewise
> function?  BTW, If I fail to put Evaluate[] around the condition in the

> definition of sample above, the output is even further from what I
> want, {b[1]+a[1] x/;x>-1&&x<,b[2]+a[2] x/;x>-1&&x<-. --

> Bill Campbell                          Correlation is not cause.


Some points.

1) With Set ( Condition must be on left side:

r[x_] x/;x>




With SetDelayed (:Condition can be on either side:

rd[x_] :x/;x>




2) Then there is the matter of evaluating the condition to get the
values of the index i inside it - this you solve by using Evaluate.

Here I combine this with moving the condition to the left AND inside f

[i]*x,{i,2} ];


{0.5 a[1],1.5 a[2]}

If f has two places the condition may have to be outside f and then an
Evaluate is needed

[ i]*x,{i,2} ];


{0.5 a[1],1.5 a[2]}

However, forcing evaluation may do more than we want; and using
replacement or
With may suit us better (though the former may replace too much and the
may get tangled up with renaming in scoping constructs):

			f[x_,y_]/;i-1<x+y<-a[ i]*x
];  (*Unevaluated puts assignment after replacement*)


{0.5 a[1],1.5 a[2]}

		f[x_,y_]/;i-1<x+y<-a[ i]*x


{0.5 a[1],1.5 a[2]}


Allan Hayes
Training and Consulting
Leicester, UK
voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
fax: +44 (0)116 271 8642

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