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Fw: [TS 5601]--Re:Cycling handicapping software

 Dear Mathematica
 I got a link to your press release in regards to the Stone Mountain
 Velodrome being built with the help of Mathematica.
 Do you have any knowledge of anyone having produced a software or having
 used a Mathematica product to produce a formula to calculate the
 handicaps for amateur bicycle racing. Not for betting but for
 calculating time spacing between cyclists.
I suppose the other sport where handicapping is most used would be
 In cycling there will be many variables:
 	1. The differring courses - length, terrain
 	2. Weather conditions - headwind, crosswind, tailwind,
 			temperature ( this will be minimal )
 	3. The differing riding standards and strengths of individual riders
 	4. How many riders in a group - the more in a group the faster they can go
 Over the years, a club will be holding the specific races over the same
 venues. That is distance and terrain will be constant for same events,
 but the other variables may change.
 Your help in this interesting concept will help our club and other
 amateur clubs hold better and fairer races.
 James Lie

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