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Sum and NSum:how can I say for mathematica when stop the Sum?

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Fernando Marcos Santana
Barreto <> To:


	Hello, Tom

I am development my reseach slowly, but I am developmet.

I am using senos and cossenos Sum's 

I  have a sum, but I don't know how much terms of the sum I need use , 
and I cant written:
w1[x_, y_] := 4*qo*a^4/d*Sum[g1[y]*ff[x], {m, 1, Infinity, 2}]; 

because this way the Mathematica will expend a  long time for give-me
the  output , so a did

ff[x_] := Sin[m*Pi*x/a]
g1[y_] = (4*a + 2*m*Pi*y*Sech[(b*m*Pi)/(2*a)]*
      Sinh[(m*Pi*y)/a] - Cosh[(m*Pi*y)/a]*Sech[(b*m*Pi)/(2*a)]*
      (4*a + b*m*Pi*Tanh[(b*m*Pi)/(2*a)]))/(4*a*m^5*Pi^5)


w1[x_, y_] := 4*qo*a^4/d*Sum[g1[y]*ff[x], {m, 1, t, 2}]; 

but I am not sure that 9 will give-me the answer which suficiently

I want to get the answer which precision about 10^-4 for exemplo

how can I tell the Mathematica about it? 

Shoud I use Nsum ? and put numerical values for my variables? 
 But using NSum, I need enter whith inicial and last  term of the sum.

I read the help about sum and Nsum but did'd can solve my problem

I am waiting for your help

best wishes 


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