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Re: Question: inequalities

Mike & Lizette Sullivan wrote:
> Hello everyone, I am using Mathematica 2.2:
> For example, lets say I want to get mathematica to solve  Abs(2x+1)>5,
> where Abs means Absolute Value Of?
> Does mathematica have the capability of giving me a solution set like
> (-Infinity, -3) U (2, Infinity) which is the solution to this problem?
> Please help.
> Mike Sullivan


With Mathematica 3.x (I don't know if the package will work with 2.2)



InequalitySolve[expr, x] gives the solution set of an
   expression containing logical connectives and univariate
   polynomial equations and inequalities in the variable x.
   InequalitySolve[expr, {x1, ..., xn}] gives the solution
   set of an expression containing logical connectives and
   linear equations and inequalities in the variables {x1,
   ..., xn}.


x < -3 || x > 2

Allan Hayes
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Leicester, UK
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