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Re: Re: FixedPoint and SameTest

Hi Paul,
I couldn't make it nicer (I still would like to know if one can access
inside of FixedPointList the list while being built up), but at least
my version runs a lot faster.
CycleList[f_, x0_] :=
    With[{li= FixedPointList[(g[#]=f[#]) &
I checked it with
For my PC (Intel 200 pro, 64M Ram) it took 3 seconds to finish for
n=5000, as opposed to 28 seconds with the definition of Marko Petkovsek
and Tomaz Pisanski.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Abbott <> To:
Subject: [mg11817] [mg11792] Re: FixedPoint and SameTest

>richard j. gaylord wrote:
>> i recieved the following question and thought i'd post an answer here
>> for others who might want to do the same sort of thing.
>> >     What is a simple procedure that works like NestList but stops
>> >once an element in the list repeats.
>> >
>> >I want something like FixedPointList, except that instead of stopping
>> >when two consecutive outputs are the same, it would stop when it
>> >generates an element it has generated earlier.
>> here it is, shown for a simple example a function that picks a random
>> integer between 1 and (the last random integer generated + 4):
>> In[39]:=
>> SeedRandom[88]
>> FixedPointList[Random[Integer, {1, # + 4}]&, 5 ]
>> Out[40]=
>> {5,4,2,4,6,3,5,2,3,1,5,3,1,5,5}
>> In[41]:=
>> SeedRandom[88]
>> lis = {};
>> FixedPointList[(AppendTo[lis, #]; Random[Integer, {1, # + 4}] )&, 5,
>>                         SameTest -> (MemberQ[lis, #2] == MemberQ[lis,
>> #1] &) ]
>> Out[43]=
>> {5,4,2,4}
>> well, la di da [as anne hall would have said]
>In the Mathematica Journal 6(4): 24-26, Marko Petkovsek and Tomaz
>Pisanski introduce a CycleList function:
>A function may not have fixed points, however, or they may not be
>reachable from the given starting value. In general, even if the
>sequence x\_0, f(x\_0), f(f(x\_0)),  ...  contains only finitely many
>different values, it may happen that none of them is a fixed point. In
>that case, however, sooner or later one value is bound to repeat, and
>so a cycle is reached and then followed forever.
>To find a cycle of f, we use FixedPoint applied not to f itself but to a
>function that takes a list as argument:
> AppendTest[f_, l_List] :=
>   If[MemberQ[Drop[l, -1], Last[l]], l, Append[l, f[Last[l]]]]
>AppendTest[f,l] applies f to the last element of the list l (say, y),
>and appends the value f(y) to l provided that y does not appear
>elsewhere in l. The function Cycle returns the cycle of f reached from
>x\_0. The related function CycleList returns a list of two lists, the
>first containing the initial tail and the second the cycle of f reached
>from x\_0:
> CycleList[f_, x0_] :=
>   Module[{l, n}, l = FixedPoint[AppendTest[f, #1] & , {x0}];
>     n = First[First[Position[l, Last[l]]]];
>     SplitList[Drop[l, -1], n - 1]]
> Cycle[f_, x0_] := Last[CycleList[f, x0]]
>The function SplitList simply breaks a list into two parts after the
>n-th element:
> SplitList[l_, n_] := {Take[l, n], Drop[l, n]}
>(Note that the functionality of SplitList is different from the new
>built-in function Split.)
>For Richard's example,
> SeedRandom[88]
> CycleList[Random[Integer, {1, #1 + 4}] & , 5]
> {{5},{4,2}}
> Paul
>Paul Abbott                                   Phone: +61-8-9380-2734
>Department of Physics                           Fax: +61-8-9380-1014
>The University of Western Australia            Nedlands WA  6907
>            God IS a weakly left-handed dice player

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