MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: Interesting Simulation Problems....

The problem can be formulated as follows.  Let X and Y be independent 
uniformly distributed random real variables on the closed interval
[0,60].  Since X and Y represent the arrival times and the two people
meet if and only if the arrival times are within 20 minutes of each
other, we want to compute Prob(|X-Y|<=20).  We can do this directly by
computing the area of the region in the first quadrant of the xy-plane
determined by x=>0,  x<=60, y>=0, y<=60, and |x-y|<=20, as can be
displayed in Mathematica with the following command. 


The area of this region is 2000.  Dividing by 3600, which is the area of
the 60 by 60 square, gives 5/9 as the desired probability.

We can simulate n such clock meetings as follows.

	Do[{ {x,y}=Table[60 Random[], {2}];
		If[Abs[x-y]<=20, meet++]},{n}];


Rob Pratt
Department of Mathematics
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill CB# 3250, 331 Phillips
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3250

On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, LinLi Chee wrote:

> Hi there, the following are some interesting simulation problems. Just
> wonder how i can do it with mathematica ....
> 2. Meeting Under the Clock (This problem is posed by Julian Simon(1994))
>     Two persons agree to arrive at the two clock sometime between 1 pm
> and 2 pm and to
>     stay for 20 minutes. What is the probability that they will be there
> at the same time?

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