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Re: Mathematica Fonts question

  • To:
  • Subject: [mg12182] Re: Mathematica Fonts question
  • From: "P.J. Hinton" <>
  • Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 03:08:34 -0400
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • References: <6i0ria$>

On 26 Apr 1998, karland arthur kilian wrote:

> 	I have encountered a problem when trying to run Mathematica. I work on
> a Pentium machine with Debian Linux.  I can connect to another machine
> that has Mathematica, but when I try to view it  on my machine, I
> receive an error message  "The Mathematica fonts are not properly
> installed in your system"
> 	Can anyone advise me as to which fonts I need to install and how I can
> do this?  Thanks.

Mathematica 3.0 uses five families of special fonts to produce typeset
mathematics.  These fonts must be available to Mathematica in order for
the front end to function properly.  When you display the Mathematica X
front end client on your local Linux machine, it is necessary for you
to make sure that these fonts are available to that machine's X server.
The script that starts the X front end on the remote machine cannot do
this for you because the commands for doing this must be executed on
your Linux machine. 

To make the fonts available to the local X server, you must add the
directories with the Math fonts to your X server's font path.  This
must be done _before_ you launch the front end.  This can be done by
executing the following command on a shell running on your local Linux
		xset fp+ <path to Mathematica outline fonts>
		xset fp+ <path to Mathematica bitmap fonts>

These paths may vary on your system.  If the Mathematica installation is
visible via NFS on your Linux machine, you can determine the paths by
starting up the Mathematica kernel from a shell and evaluating
$TopDirectory.  This will give you the path to the Mathematica
installation.  From there, the outline fonts are in
SystemFiles/Fonts/Type1 and the bitmap fonts are in
SystemFiles/Fonts/X. So, if $TopDirectory evaluates to
"/usr/local/mathematica", the appropriate commands would be:

	xset fp+ /usr/local/mathematica/SystemFiles/Fonts/Type1
	xset fp+ /usr/local/mathematica/SystemFiles/Fonts/X

If you use outline fonts for Helvetica, and you are using XFree86 3.2 or
later, then you will want to append ":unscaled" to the second command
to suppress scaling of the lone Helvetica bitmap font file that comes
with Mathematica.

If you cannot access these directories thorough NFS, you can check with
your system administrator to see if the Mathematica fonts are available
from a Unix host running an X font server.  Instructions for adding a
font server to the font path are available in the book _X Window System
User's Guide_ by V. Quercia and T. O'Reilly (O'Reilly & Assoc.),
Chapter 6.  See the section titled "Adding a Server to the Font Path".

If a font server is not available, then you may need to install local
copies of the Mathematica fonts.  Check with your system administrator
to see whether their Mathematica license permits this and to get
details on how to install them on your local system.

P.J. Hinton
Mathematica Programming Group  Wolfram
Research, Inc.        
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone.

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