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runga kutta and importing data

hi there

i wrote an ANSI C program to implement the 4th order runga kutta
algorithm for solving ODE's.  the program does its stuff and writes to
a file:

Listplot[{{x1, y1},{x2,y2}, ... ,{xn,yn}}, PlotLabel->"n=gridsize"]

where all the x's and y's are data.

the problem i'm having is when i open the data file from within
Mathematica.  it reads the file,  but at some point it screws up and
tacks on a portion of the data file again.

it's no big deal because i can simply cut out the repeated data, but
it's annoying and i shouldn't have to do this.

when i use an editor to look at the data file, it's fine.  when i open
it from within Mathematica it repeats the last 25% of the file after
the end of the file.  so it looks like:

  blah blah blah  ->"n=gridsize"]{x20,y20},{x21,y21}, ..

and so forth.  what can be causing this?  is there some special
formatting that Mathematica needs for imported data?

lastly, how can i graph the exact solution over my ListPlot of the
numerical solution?


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