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Re: Numerical Solution to a System of Differential Equations...

In article <6ibvba$>, Ragavan
<> wrote:

>I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to numerically solve a system of
>differential equations of the form y'=M.y, where y', M and y are all
>matrices. I also specify an initial value matrix Init which will be
>assigned to y0, the initial value vector.
>Now, I try to solve using NDSolve:
>In[4]:= NDSolve[ {MapThread[Equal,{y', M.y}],
>        y, {t,0,10}]
>and obtain an output which looks like this:
>        y2[t]\[Rule]InterpolatingFunction[{{0.`,10.`}},"<>"][t],
>        y3[t]\[Rule]InterpolatingFunction[{{0.`,10.`}},"<>"][t]}}
>(y1, y2, y3 are elements in the y vector.)
>But when I try to look at the result for a given value of the dependent
>variable t (say 5):
>In[5]:= y3[5] /. %
>all I get is
>Out[5]= y3[5]


No rule in Out[4] matches y3[5]; but you might try:

y3[t]/.%4[[1]]/.t->5     (*[[1]] extracts the inner list*)

y2[t] ...}.
If you set y0 = {y1,y2,...}
Then the solution  will be for the functions y1,y2, ..and will be of the

fnSoln= {{y1\[Rule]InterpolatingFunction[{{0.`,10.`}},"<>"],
>        y2\[Rule]InterpolatingFunction[{{0.`,10.`}},"<>"],
>        y3\[Rule]InterpolatingFunction[{{0.`,10.`}},"<>"]}}
Then try

(y3/. fnSoln[[1]])[5]

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