Compile lesson
- To:
- Subject: [mg12308] Compile lesson
- From:
- Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 18:51:50 -0400
Way back on 24 April 1997 Dave Withoff debugged some Compile code a user sent to the mathgroup. Before Dave debugged the code it ran slower than normal Mathematica code. Dave explained that you should try to get nothing but a list of pseudocode instructions in the compiled function. More precisely, if you say In[1]:= funct=Compile[{vars}, blah; blah; blah ] Then you should be able to do: In[2]:= funct[[3]] and get a list of lists, where each of the sublists are all integers. As I understand it your compiled function will execute quickly as long as can be converted to all psuedocode instructions. Function "demo1" below is an example of a function that was compiled into 100% pseudocode instructions. This is good. In[1]:= demo1=Compile[{x},Module[{y=0.0}, If[x<0,y=2*x;]; y+5 ]]; demo1[[3]] Out[1]= {{1,2},{4,1,0},{15,0.,1},{14,0,0},{24,0,2},{98,0,2,0},{90,0,6},{14,2,1},{24, 1, 3},{38,3,0,3},{20,3,1},{91,1},{14,5,1},{24,1,3},{34,1,3,3},{9,3}} ____________________________________ The next line has the same problem as the function Dave debugged. The If statement will return a Real if (x<0), and return Null if (x>=0). The compiler doesn't know what the If statement will return, so it isn't translated into pseudocode. In[2]:= demo2=Compile[{x},Module[{y=0.0}, If[x<0,y=2*x]; y+5]]; demo2[[3]] Out[2]= {{1,2},{4,1,0},{15,0.,1},{14,0,0},{24,0,2},{98,0,2,0},{31, Function[{x},If[x<0,y=2 x]],{y,3,0,1,Module},6,0,17},{14,5,1},{24,1,3},{ 34,1,3,3},{9,3}} ________________________________________ The next function tries to change the value of the function's argument. This can't be done with pseudocode instructions, so standard Mathematica code is used. In[3]:= demo3=Compile[{x}, If[x>10^20,x=10^20;]; ]; demo3[[3]] Out[3]= {{1, 2}, {4, 1, 0}, {14, 10, 0}, {37, 0, 0, 1}, {37, 1, 1, 1, 2}, {19, 2, 1}, {37, 1, 1, 1, 2}, {37, 0, 0, 2, 1}, {24, 1, 1}, {98, 1, 0, 0}, {90, 0, 3}, {31, Function[{x}, x = 10^20], 6, 0, 17}, {91, 1}, {12, 187}} ________________________________________ The next function tries to use a Global variable. We can't do this either with pseudocode instructions, so standard Mathematica code is used. In[4]:= num=10; demo4=Compile[{x},x+num]; demo4[[3]] Out[4]= {{1,2},{4,1,0},{31,Function[{x},num],3,0,1},{34,0,1,1},{9,1}} ________________________________________ Any Mathematica function can be used inside compile, but there may be no advantage in using Compile if some of the functions can't be translated into pseudocode. As demonstrated above your code may not translate into pseudocode even if all the functions used are supported by Compile. In the lines above I gave a few reasons why Compile may not be able to translate a function into pseudocode. If any members of the group have other things to avoid inside Compile I would like to hear about them. Ted Ersek
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Compile lesson
- From: Ahmed Maarouf <>
- Re: Compile lesson