MathGroup Archive 1998

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Hyperlinks to htm files

I am trying to use hyperlinks to jump from a Mathematica notebook to htm
files in the same folder as the notebook.  The only way I can get the
hyperlink to work is to supply it with an absolute address as shown

Cell[TextData[ButtonBox["Surface Plot",
    URL[ "E:/ZernikeNotes/CylindricalPlot3DN1.htm"], None},
  ButtonStyle->"Hyperlink"]], "Text"]

I have no problem using relative addresses for hyperlinks between two
Mathematica notebooks, but I am not able to use relative addresses for
hyperlinks between notebooks and htm files.  Does anyone have a

Also, is it possible to use hyperlinks in Mathematica notebooks to open
files in other programs such as PowerPoint?


James C. Wyant
Optical Sciences Center
University of Arizona

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