MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: Bounding box too small in mathematica 3.0

erwin <> wrote in article <6i0t8m$>...
> When I let Mathematica 3.0 (for Win95) do a 3D-plot like: Plot3D[Sin[x
> y],{x,0,4},{y,0,4}] the bounding box is too small. The numbers on the
> left side of the graph are not good displayed. They are cut off by the
> bounding box, so I don't see the '-' signs. I tried to change the
> bounding box values in 'preferences' but this has no effect at all.
> I also changed the size of the plot with the box-handles but again, no
> effect.

Click on the graphics cell bracket
Look up
Format|Option Inspector|Graphics Options|Image Bounding Box|ImageSize

Changing the numbers, and then clicking Apply, changes the size of the
bounding box in the selected cell.
To do the same simultaneously for all current cells in the notebook go
to the top bar in the option inspector, set "Show option values for
[selection's style]" and then click Apply. To set the bounding box size
fot all future graphics to be made in the notebook use "Show option
values for [notebook]"  To set it as the global default size for all
notebooks (this can of course be overridden locally) use "Show option
values for [global]".

ImageMargins and ImageRegion are set similarly.

Allan Hayes
Training and Consulting
Leicecter UK
voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
fax: +44(0)116 271 8642

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