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Solve for positive, real-valued solutions

  • To:
  • Subject: [mg12415] Solve for positive, real-valued solutions
  • From: Walter Johnston <>
  • Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 11:15:25 -0400
  • Organization: University of Texas at Arlington

How can I tell Solve[] to give me only positive, real-valued solutions?

Long Version:

I am trying to build a table of values for use in a database. The
expression is 


and I then tell the system to

Do[Print[cc," => ",Solve[P[c,a]==0.02,a]],{cc,51,100,1}]

which works, but gives me a lot more than I want. 

I have just started using Version 3.1 on my notebook (Windows NT 4.0)
and would really appreciate any suggestions on how to speed this up and
just get the positive, real-valued solutions I need for the database.

(RTFM statements won't help much. I am reading, but trying to shorten
the learning curve and get some solutions NOW.)


Walter Johnston

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