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Re: What Algorithm(s) Do(es) 'Rationalize[]' Use?

Benjamin Tubb wrote:
> What algorithm(s) do(es) the function 'Rationalize[]' use?
> -------------
> Benjamin Tubb
> AIM: brtubb

[This reply was written in part by Mark Sofroniou. I hope the merging of
two responses does not cause confusion. dl]

Rationalize uses the following algorithm.

Given an inexact number x Rationalize computes the partial quotients in
the continued fraction expansion of the number.

At each step of the approximation Rationalize then finds a corresponding
continued fraction convergent, which is a rational approximation p/q to
x. Continued fraction convergents have several important properties:

1) p and q are relatively prime, so that p/q is expressed in lowest

2) The approximant p/q is the closest to x amongst all approximants with
denominator <= q.

When you use the form Rationalize[x, tol] then Rationalize stops when
the convergent p/q satisfies |x-p/q| < tol, or the absolute error is
within the specified tolerance.

When tol is 0, the most accurate approximant p/q, as governed by the
accuracy of x, is chosen.

When you use the form Rationalize[x] then Rationalize finds the
approximant q with the property that |p/q - x| < c/q^2, where c is
chosen to be 10^-4, provided it exists.

Here we show explicitly what happens when we rationalize Pi.

In[11]:= Rationalize[Pi, 10^-6]
Out[11]= ---

We check that the result is within 10^(-6) of Pi:

In[12]:= N[Pi]-% < 10^(-6)
Out[12]= True

Let's look at the continued fraction representation of Pi. This uses
functionality from our development version.

In[13]:= ContinuedFraction[Pi,5]
Out[13]= {3, 7, 15, 1, 292}

So the continued fraction approximation, to first four denominators, is

3 + 1/(7 + 1/(15 + 1/(1 + 1/292))))

By trial and error (or recognizing that 292 is relatively large and so
constitutes a small error term) we find that a sufficiently close
approximation is

In[14]:= 3 + 1/(7+1/(15+1))
Out[14]= ---

If we give a slightly smaller tolerance, we'll need more terms.

In[15]:= Rationalize[Pi, 10^(-7)]
Out[15]= ------

In[16]:= 3 + 1/(7+1/(15+1/(1+1/292)))
Out[16]= ------

Not quite the same. Using N we learn that either is a sufficiently close
approximation. ContinuedFraction tells us we actually computed one more
term than needed. This might be a small bug in the implementation.

In[22]:= ContinuedFraction[N[Pi], 6] Out[22]= {3, 7, 15, 1, 292, 1}

In[23]:= ff = 3 + 1/(7+1/(15+1/(1+1/293)))
Out[23]= ------

If you read the fine print of the documentation notes for Rationalize
you will note a failure mode that arises when the denominator of the
result gets too large. While this can happen, it apparently occurred
for spurious reasons in the past. Alot of this has been improved for
our next release.

Here is some related functionality from our development version. It uses
continued fraction approximations to get successive rational
approximations to Pi.

In[1]:= <<NumberTheory`ContinuedFractions`;

In[2]:= Convergents[Pi,8]

            22  333  355  103993  104348  208341  312689 Out[2]= {3, --,
---, ---, ------, ------, ------, ------}
            7   106  113  33102   33215   66317   99532

In[3]:= N[Pi-%,20]

Out[3]= {0.14159265358979323846, -0.0012644892673496186802,

>    0.000083219627529087519247, -2.6676418906242231237 10  ,

                             -10                           -10
>    5.7789063439038188851 10   , -3.3162780624607255831 10   ,

                             -10                           -11
>    1.2235653294218859793 10   , -2.9143384934856918131 10   }

Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

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