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Re: How does a rule get applied?

Hello Yacine,
if you execute
x^3 + x^(1+3)  /. x^(n_) + x^(n_+1) ->0//Trace you will see that 1+3 is
evaluated before the rule is applied, so the pattern is not what your
rule is searching for. In case you want a rule that changes a sum of
two powers of x to zero if the difference is 1, try the following:
x^6 + x^5 /. x^(n_) + x^(m_) /; m == n + 1 -> 0.


-----Original Message-----
From: Yacine Ait-Sahalia <> To:
Subject: [mg12468] [mg12417] How does a rule get applied?

>I'm having trouble understanding how rules are applied after /. Consider
>the following example:
>          x^a + x^(1+a)  /. x^(n_) + x^(n_+1) ->0
>          x^3 + x^(1+3)  /. x^(n_) + x^(n_+1) ->0
>          x^3            /. x^(n_) ->0
>                0
>                 3    4
>                x  + x
>                0
>Could anyone please explain to me why
>        x^a + x^(1+a)  /. x^(n_) + x^(n_+1) ->0
>returns 0 (as expected), whereas
>        x^3 + x^(1+3)  /. x^(n_) + x^(n_+1) ->0
>                 3    4
>                x  + x
>instead of 0?
>Thanks for your help.

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