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Re: graphics question

Hi Tom,

In[1]:= gr = Plot[2*x^2 - 4, {x, -5, 5}, GridLines -> Automatic] In[2]:=


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom <>
Subject: [mg12470] [mg12414] graphics question

>Hello Mathematica users,
>Here is an obscure question....but I hope someone can help me!!
>Suppose I am using Mathematica to create test questions for my high
>school math students.  Here is a simple question.
>Use the grid below to draw the graph of y = 2x - 4
>Now, I can create a really nice grid (using simple grid, available from
>Mathsource) and I can easily plot this graph to create the answer, but
>is there any way to create a "blank" set of gridlines that will be
>identical to the gridlines Mathematica will create for the plot? The
>idea would be to provide students with a grid to put their answer on,
>and have that match the output Mathematica will create.
>I tried plotting the graph with a color of White, but for the observant,
>you can see where the invisible line crosses the gridlines!  (connect
>the dots and you have the answer!)
>Plot[2x-4, {x, -5,5}, GridLines->Automatic]
>Plot[2x-4, {x, -5,5}, GridLines->Automatic, PlotStyle->{GrayLevel[1]}]
>I would be looking for a solution that would work for more complicated
>functions to graph as well, this was just a simple illustration.
>I hope that was clear.  Once again, is there a way to get a "grid" or a
>set of gridlines that Mathematica would display in creating a certain
>plot, but to "hold" the function being plotted.
>I appreciate the help provided by this group, and I thank you in advance
>for any assistance you might have.

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