Re: help about klotoid-integral-solution
- To:
- Subject: [mg12527] Re: help about klotoid-integral-solution
- From: Paul Abbott <>
- Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 18:10:55 -0400
- Organization: University of Western Australia
- References: <6jomuk$>
eckhard_FABIAN wrote: > it would be great if anyone can help with the solution of the integrals > for x and y of the klothoid: x=a*sqrt(pi)*INT(cos(pi*u*u/2)du,u=0...t) > y=a*sqrt(pi)*INT(sin(pi*u*u/2)du,u=0...t) with t=s/(a*sqrt(pi)) > s=OM Distance on the curve from origin O to point M on the curve > and a>0 > The point O is the centre of symmetry of the curve, it has the > asymptotic points > A(a*sqrt(pi)/2,a*sqrt(pi)/2) and B(-a*sqrt(pi)/2,-a*sqrt(pi)/2) These > formula are ref. in the book > BRONSTEIN/SEMENDJAJEW TASCHENBUCH DER MATHEMATIK I need formula to > calculate the x and y -coordinates depending on the increasing distance > on the curve. Thanks a lot for an answer via email. Mathematica can compute both the integrals you need: In[1]:= x[s_, a_] = a*Sqrt[Pi]*Integrate[Cos[Pi*u^2/2], {u, 0, s/(a*Sqrt[Pi])}] Out[1]= a*Sqrt[Pi]*FresnelC[s/(a*Sqrt[Pi])] In[2]:= y[s_, a_] = a*Sqrt[Pi]*Integrate[Sin[Pi*u^2/2], {u, 0, s/(a*Sqrt[Pi])}] Out[2]= a*Sqrt[Pi]*FresnelS[s/(a*Sqrt[Pi])] The answer is expressed in terms of the (non-elementary) Fresnel C and S functions. There is no simpler way to express these integrals. Mathematica can compute these functions to arbitary precision and also produce parametric plots of the clothoid. Cheers, Paul ____________________________________________________________________ Paul Abbott Phone: +61-8-9380-2734 Department of Physics Fax: +61-8-9380-1014 The University of Western Australia Nedlands WA 6907 AUSTRALIA God IS a weakly left-handed dice player ____________________________________________________________________