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Re: About plotting a surface

Hola Arthur Luiz,
first of all, the reason that the Mesh option wouldn't work is that
ParametricPlot3D doesn't return a SurfaceGraphics object but the more
general Graphics3D object. So the surface you are plotting is
represented by Polygons, each with its proper edges. I found no OPTION
to change the edges, but there is a graphics directive EdgeForm. The
one you need is EdgeForm[], to have no edges at all. I tried to add it
to the graphic produced by ParametricPlot3D with a Prolog->{EdgeForm[]}
option, it didn't work and I suspect there is a small bug (you can get
a strange result with Prolog->Hue[0]). So what was left was to first
generate the Graphics object

In[1]:= gr=ParametricPlot3D[{x,y,Sin[x y]},{x,0,1},{y,0,1}]

(*Graphic here*)

Out[1]= -Graphics3D-

(of course you can suppress the actual graphic output the usual way)

and then add in a Show the EdgeForm[] directive to the graphic.

In[2]:= Show[Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[],gr[[1]]}],gr[[2]]]

Sorry I could not find something more elegant.


-----Original Message-----
From: Arhur Luiz Amaral da Cunha <> To:
Subject: [mg12605] [mg12509] About plotting a surface

>I would like to know how to take the mesh off a parametric surface using
>the command ParametricPlot3D. I tried to use the  "Mesh->False" option
>but it did not work within ParametricPlot3D despite  it did work within
>Plot3D. I would appriciate it wether you could give me an advice. I
>look forward to your reply.
> Best Regards
> Arthur Luiz A. Cunha

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