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Re: Solution for a System of ODEs and equations

Hi Vivek,
maybe this example helps. It's just an idea how to handle such
equations. First I differentiate equation 3:

In[1]:=  Thread[(D[#1, t] & )[m[t]*Log[m[t]] == x[t]*y[t]]]

Out[1]= m'[t]+Log[m[t]]m'[t]==y[t]x'[t]+x[t]y'[t]

Now I add this equation to the two existing, add initial conditions and
solve it by NDSolve.

In[2]:= NDSolve[{x'[t] == x[t] + y[t],  y'[t] == m[t]*(-x[t] + y[t]),
                   m'[t] + Log[m[t]]*m'[t] ==  y[t]*x'[t] + x[t]*y'[t],
                   x[0] == 0, y[0] == 1, m[0] == 1},
                    {x, y, m}, {t, 0, 1}]

Out[2]= {{x -> InterpolatingFunction[],
                y -> InterpolatingFunction[],
               m -> InterpolatingFunction[]}}


-----Original Message-----
From: Vivek Pai <> To:
Subject: [mg12607] [mg12560] Solution for a System of ODEs and equations

>Please help if possible:
>I have the following problem :
>I need to Solve two ordinary differential equations combined with a
>trancedental equation for eg :
>dx/dt = f(x,y); (1)
>dy/dt = m g(x,y); (2)
>m Log(m) = xy; (3)
>In other words I do not have an explicit expression for 'm' to be
>introduced into equation 2.
>Can Mathematica help me with a simple 3 or 4 line code.

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