MathGroup Archive 1998

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water sprinkler - (0/1)

[The zip file mentioned below is too large for bulk email.  Please
contact Troy if you want to get the file. -- moderator]

I decided to test my mathematica programming skills on what i thought
would be an intermediate example. I decided to model a simple rotating
sprinkler that was affected by the wind. the kind that waters a
circular area. Attached is a zip file containing my finished notebook
for mathematica 3.0.  In this notebook, I have used circles to
approximate the area that is affected by the wind. In other words, the
original circle with no wind effects is basically shifted in the
direction of the wind. What i wanted to do was to approximate the
shifted area with an ellipse. I mangaged to write a function that takes
the major and minor axis and a rotation angle and spits out an ellipse
that has a foci at the origin and is rotated. 

My main question is whether my first model only using circles is
correct. I think i did the vector calculations correctly? Or would the
ellipse model be a more accurate representation?

Troy Williams

Please, send mail as i don't have access to the newsgroups as offten as
I'd like.

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