MathGroup Archive 1998

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Text and Wickham-Jones's LabelContourLines

Apologies in advance for what is probably a repetetive question.

I am using Tom Wickham-Jones's packages and books to construct some
contour plots. When using LabelContourLines, and testing it by
repeating the examples on p. 349 I get an error message:

 "Text::optx: Unknown option DefaultFont in

I examined the graphics object and found commands like:


I also noticed that Options[Text] returned

{Background->None,FormatType:->Automatic, TextStyle:->Automatic}

for my program while TWJ's example on p. 139 returned DefaultFont as an

Can someone suggest a way to fix this? I am checking now to see if the
version on mathsource is newer.

Thanks for the help.

Joel W. Cannon                 |   (318)869-5160          Dept. of
Physics               |   (318)869-5026  FAX    Centenary College of
Louisiana |       P. O. Box 41188		       |	     
Shreveport, LA 71134-1188      |      

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