MathGroup Archive 1998

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Mathematica's nesting.

This is a small but VERY annoying problem I'm having in an otherwise
extremely simple program in Mathematica for Students. My program
contains two nested Do[] clauses and ordinarily runs smoothly without
any complain. But, recently I've been trying to write an auxilary
program based on this. Turns out that absolutely innocuous changes
inside the Do clauses in the program are enough for it to stop running.
At the beginning I thought I was being careless with the syntax and so
began trying each time dumber instructions. In my last attempt, I just
typed within one of the Do clauses Print["p"];, that is, just another
instruction more in the already long string of instructions it
ordinarily performs without any complaint. I've been careful enough to
write down the semicolons in their right place (after all, there aren't
many mistakes you can do with such an instruction). Much to my
surprise, this minute change is enough for Mathematica to say that my
program is missing a closing ] in the Do clause. Of course, this is
accompanied by the "oh-so-helpful!" error message where ALL the program
is underlined in red (as if this could hint you of the possible error
in a program several scrolls long). To make things worse, the problem
persists AFTER I erase the new instruction down to the last character.
Once this happens, not even closing the window and opening it again
will work. As far as Mathematica is concerned, the program has been
tainted by the "original sin" and no amount of repentance can redeem
it. Can somebody explain me what on earth is going on here? As usual,
to avoid overload of the Internet, just answer to my email:

Thanks a lot!

Luis Fernando Medina 

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