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Generating C++BLAS wrapers with Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14707] Generating C++BLAS wrapers with Mathematica
  • From: Anton Antonov <anton at>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 01:21:00 -0500
  • Organization: UNI-C, Denmark
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

    I made some Mathematica program for generating the C++ wrappers for
the BLAS subroutines.  We wanted to use the overloading facilities of
C++ in order to get some of the arguments by default. Than the possible
calls become too many because if we take for example the _GEMM routine
it has 13 arguments:


If each argument could be or could be not in a particular call this
means 2^13 possible argument lists for a call of the routine. Of course
we impose some restrictions some of the arguments to be always in the
argument list. After these restrictions the possible calls for _GEMM
are 754. Still too many. The total amount of the BLAS routines is about
40. So some automatic generation for the wrappers is needed. This could
be done by some of the script languages but I choose Mathematica
because the functions written by it could serve as (or easily
transferred to) a mathematical proof that the code generated is correct
according to the C++ overloading resolution mechanism.
    Now my questions are: Do you think it is something valuable to be
documented? (I mean the Mathematica programs and their use as a proof.)
I think "Yes" but may be I am wrong. And how valuable will be this
documentation? To write it like a technical report or to post it
somewhere? If it have to be posted where?

    I would like hear more opinions for that because I consider the
possibility these endeavors to be trivial.

    Thank you very much


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