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Testing Packages (Enhancement to CleanSlate)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17059] Testing Packages (Enhancement to CleanSlate)
  • From: hanssen at
  • Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 02:32:04 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi, MathGroup,

When writing an testing packages, one often has to load the
package to be tested. There is a package CleanSlate, which helps
a lot. Using it, you frequently see yourself typing 


This is a little inconvenient, because you have to enclose
your context name in quotes and also you have to add the
context-mark character (the accent-grave). To overcome
this inconvenience, I have modified the CleanSlate package.
I always load the modified CleanSlate-package through Needs
from init.m:

The beginning of CleanSlate now reads

Unprotect[Again,CleanSlate,CleanSlateExcept,ClearInOut];  (* add Again *)

"Again[context] is the same as (CleanSlate[context]; Needs[context];) - \n
Instead of a context-name enclosed in quotes it also accepts the  \n
context-name without the quotes and the context-mark at the end.";

Add the following to the body of the package CleanSlate, i.e. after

(***************    Again    **************)
Again[context_] := 
          ,CleanSlate[context]; Needs[context]
      ];		(* Again *)

The statement at the very end just before EndPackage[] now reads:

Protect[Again, ClearInOut, CleanSlate, CleanSlateExcept];  (* add Again *)

With these modifications, one can easily modify a package under test 
with a standard editor (e.g. PFE), reload and test it. This is done by
calling Again[mypackage] (provided mypackage is just a symbol
which has not been assigned a value).

If you have syntactical errors in the package (e.g. unbalanced comments, 
unbalanced quotes etc), then you have to "execute" the statement


in the notebook, where test your package, before calling 

kind regards

Dipl.-Math. Adelbert Hanszen

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