using WorkingPrecision and AccuracyGoal to control the error of estim.
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg17068] using WorkingPrecision and AccuracyGoal to control the error of estim.
- From: Jan Krupa <krupa at>
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 02:32:08 -0400
- Organization: NewsServer at NASK N.O.C.
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Probably this is a basic problem in general numeric computation not only in Mathematica3.0. Suppose I would like to find numerically, using the FindRoot built in function, the root of the equation x^4-16=0. Let f[x]=x^2-16 and "ex" the exact solution "ax" the approximated solution obtained by FindRoot. Is there an ability (rule) to choose proper WorkingPrecision, AccuracyGoal (in some other function PrecisionGoal) and MaxIteration to obtain the solution which fulfil the following condition: cond1: er1=Abs[ex-ax]<epsilon and cond2: er2=Abs[f[ax]]<epsilon, as an example put say epsilon=10^(-6). Should I first to set AccuracyGoa->at least 6 and WorkingPrecision-> at least 6 ? Now FinRoot will of course only attempts to get the condition cond1 to be fulfilled (thanks to WorkingPrecision->6) but there is no option in FindRoot to control the cond2 (am I right?). Are there any rules how to choose WorkingPrecision and AccuracyGoal to achieve er1 and er2 < 10^-6 (e.g.WorkingPrecision>=AccuracyGoal>=6?) Ot[1]:=f[x_]:=x^4-16; In[2]:=sol=FindRoot[f[x]==0,{x,1},WorkingPrecision->25, AccuracyGoal->6] Out[2]={x->2.000000000000000000001097} In[3]:=f[x]/.sol Out[3]=3.51x10^-20 We see that we got much smaller er1 and er1 then 10^-6. But how to set WorkingPrecision and AccuracyGoal to solve the following (and to get er1<10^-6) In[1]:=g[x_]:=Exp[-x]-x; In[2]:=solg=FindRoot[g[x]==0,{x,1},WorkingPrecision->25, AccuracyGoal->6] Out[2]={x->0.567143290409783869463836} In[3]:=g[x]/.solg Out[3]=5.541626=D710^-18 ? How can I ensure that er1 is really less then 10^-6 ? Should I write own procedure with special stopping criteria? What about the other numeric functions in MA? e.g. NDSolve: od1=NDSolve[{x'[t]==x[t],x[0]==1},x[t],{t,0,2},WorkingPrecision ->30, AccuracyGoal->6] How to set WorkingPrecision and AccuracyGoal to solve the od1 and to get er1=Abs[xe[t]-xa[t]] < 10^-6? Could someone please suggest book, article or url where could be found description of the strategies how to obtain numerical solution using all the mathematica3.0 (or more general book on numerical computations) function with given an arbitrary error or how to estimate the error after calculation? Thanks in advance Jan