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Animated 3D problem: all frames show up.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15452] Animated 3D problem: all frames show up.
  • From: Dan Truong <dtruong at>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:21:54 -0500
  • Organization: Irisa, Rennes (FR)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I try to make 3D animated graphics. It works, but all the frames are
shown on the display, this is a problem if there are many frames :(

I use Mathematica 3 under Solaris.

I tried to use DisplayFunction->Identity on all List3D[] elements and
a Displayfunction->$DisplayFunction on ShowAnimated[] but then I get no
output at all.
It seems to work only with Show[] to overlap figures. Note that my goal
will be to
A) make a bunch of overlapped figures, and then  B) animate that to get
a 4D analysis (x,y,z,t) since my results depend on 3 parameters.

Subsidiary question: can Mathematica output animated gifs, or do we have
to use a 3rd party
package to animate them?


Sample code:

aaa = {
bbb = aaa ;
ccc = aaa -1;

		ListPlot3D[aaa, DisplayFunction->Identity],
		ListPlot3D[bbb, DisplayFunction->Identity],
		ListPlot3D[ccc, DisplayFunction->Identity]
	DisplayFunction-> $DisplayFunction

		ListPlot3D[aaa, DisplayFunction->Identity],
		ListPlot3D[bbb, DisplayFunction->Identity],
		ListPlot3D[ccc, DisplayFunction->Identity]
	DisplayFunction-> $DisplayFunction


Dan N. Truong,  IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE
mailto:dtruong at 

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