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combining a ParametricPlot3D with a ContourPlot.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg18464] combining a ParametricPlot3D with a ContourPlot.
  • From: "Eric R. Bittner" <bittner at>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 00:11:43 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I would like to combine a set of contour plots with a 3D parametric plot.
The basic idea is that I have a set of trajectories, f[x,y,t] and a set of
time slices from
the ensemble distribution, rho[x,y,t], that I would like to display
My first attempt was to generate a ParametricPlot3D[] for the trajectories
the density slices using
t1 = 2;
r1 = Plot3D[ rho[x,y,t]+ t1,{x,x1,x2},{y,y1,y2} ,
ColorFunction->Hue,etc....] ;

and combining the plots with Show[traj, r1,r2,r3,.. ] where traj is the
and r1,r2,r3... are the density slices.
 This almost does  what I want, however, it looks pretty cluttered.  Contour
plots for the density slices are preferred.
Is there a slick way to combine Contour plots and Parametric3D plots in way
I've described?

Also, how does one change the line properties of a trajectory plotted using
I'd like to have one or two trajectories highlighted as being a bit thicker
than the others.

_Thanks in advance,

Eric Bittner

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