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Re: trouble with greek letter output to EPS

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg18707] Re: trouble with greek letter output to EPS
  • From: paulh at (P.J. Hinton)
  • Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 02:36:31 -0400
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • References: <7m6igl$> <7meg5h$> <7mjrgf$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <7mjrgf$f43 at>, Dan Truong <dtruong at> writes:

> Is the ISO8859-1 charcter set only capable of displaying pure ASCI or
> are there extended characters which could be used w/o downloading 
> mathematical or accentuated fonts?

ISO8859-1 is an eight-bit character set which includes the seven-bit ASCII
characters, with the codes 128-255 containing several accented characters
used in Western European languages.  There are also some special characters
like \[RegisteredTrademark].

If you are working on a Unix system, your machine may have a manpage for
the character set.  It can be summoned by the command "man iso_8859_1".
You can also generate such a table in Mathematica on the fly using this

	TableForm[{#, FromCharacterCode[#]}& /@ Range[0, 255]}]

> Is there a fix for character translation so that say Alpha shows as "A",
> Theta displays as "T",accentuated letters appear as non accentuated,
> +, ], }, ), +, = etc. appear correctly using the default printer
> Courrier font? Ie like a smart application of OutputForm[] function 
> for no-hassle EPS printouts.

No, there exists no such thing.  Usage of non-ASCII characters in 
your notebook is an all-or-nothing proposition.  Either you avoid using
them and stick with InputForm/OutputForm, or you will need to actually
configure your printer to handle these things.

The Math fonts exist for a good reason.  There is no uniform set of fonts
across the platforms we support which provide Greek, mathematical operators,
and extensible brackets that compliment both the monospaced (Courier) and 
serifed proportional spaced (Times) font families.

The issue of downloading fonts to a printer may seem cumbersome and alien
to you, but this is probably because your experience has been limited to
working with fonts that are usually built-in on PostScript interpreters.
In the publishing world, where a much larger variety of fonts are used,
this issue must be addressed, and there are well-established techniques
for handling it.  We list them on our technical support FAQ pages.  Your
printer may also have additional facilities for downloading the fonts
as they are needed.

P.J. Hinton	
Mathematica Programming Group		paulh at
Wolfram Research, Inc.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone.

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