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Evaluating UnitStep inside another function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg16261] Evaluating UnitStep inside another function
  • From: Doug Webb <Douglas.S.Webb at>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 00:41:22 -0500
  • Organization:
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

  I am trying to define a function such as this, where lst and xvlu have
already been defined earlier as lists (which the user wont really know
about or be able to see):

lst = {1, 2, 3}
xvlu = {0, 2, 5}

F1[ func_, var_ ] := (
  lst = func /. var -> xvlu;
  Return[ lst ]

And func can be any arbitrary function the user wants to enter, which is
based on variable var. This all works fine for cases such as this:

F1[ x^2, x ]


{0, 4, 25}

What I'm having problems with is the UnitStep function. After loading
the DiracDelta package:


The following input

F1[ 3 + UnitStep[ x-3 ], x ]

Gives this output:

3 + UnitStep[ {-3, -1, 2} ]

Rather than what I want:

{3, 3, 4}

If I enter it directly as this:

3 + UnitStep[ xvlu - 3 ]

then I get the "correct" answer of {3, 3, 4}. Evidently the UnitStep
isn't getting evaluated inside the F1[] function. I've tried
combinations of Evaluate[], Hold[], N[], etc. in all they ways I can
think of inside the F1[] function, and still no luck. What can I do
inside F1[] to get the UnitStep case evaluated, without possible
"messing up" a simpler case with something like x^2? Thanks for any

      Douglas.S.Webb at
      D_Webb at

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