Re: Numerical Methods
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg16235] Re: Numerical Methods
- From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
- Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 00:41:01 -0500
- Organization: Universitaet Leipzig
- References: <7bg0t7$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi Bernard, no site. It was invented some hundred years ago. But here is the Mathematica code: Options[RegulaFalsi]:= {Compiled->True,AccuracyGoal->10^(-Precision[1.0]+6)} IntervalLength[{{x1_,_},{x2_,_}}]:=Abs[x2-x1] RFAux[{{x1_,f1_},{x2_,f2_}}]:= Module[{xm,fm,xb,fb,p1,p2}, xm=x2-(x2-x1)*f2/(f2-f1); (* Regula Falsi *) fm=func[xm]; xb=0.5*(x1+x2); (* BiSection *) fb=func[xb]; If[Sign[f1]==Sign[fm], p1={{xm,fm},{x2,f2}}, p1={{x1,f1},{xm,fm}} ]; If[Sign[f1]==Sign[fb], p2={{xb,fb},{x2,f2}}, p2={{x1,f1},{xb,fb}} ]; If[IntervalLength[p1]<IntervalLength[p2], p1, p2 ] ] /; Sign[f1]!=Sign[f2] RFSame[_,{{x1_,f1_},{x2_,f2_}}]:= Abs[x2-x1]<error || Abs[f1]<error2 || Abs[f2]<error2 RegulaFalsi::nrfunc= "The function `1` does not evaluate to real numbers at `2` and `3`." RegulaFalsi::nbrack= "The function `1` does not change the sign between `2` in [`3`,`4`]." RegulaFalsi[rhs_==lhs_,more__]:= RegulaFalsi[rhs-lhs,more] RegulaFalsi[f_,{x_Symbol,x1_?NumberQ,x2_?NumberQ}, opts___]:= Block[{func,f1,f2,comp,error,error2,ibrack}, comp = Compiled /. {opts} /. Options[RegulaFalsi]; error=AccuracyGoal /. {opts} /. Options[RegulaFalsi]; error2=error*error; If[comp, (* then *) func=Compile[{{x,_Real}},Evaluate[f]], (* else *) func=Function[x,Evaluate[f]] ]; f1=func[x1]; f2=func[x2]; If[!NumberQ[f1] || !NumberQ[f2], Message[RegulaFalsi::nrfunc,f,x1,x2]; Return[{}]; ]; If[Sign[f1]==Sign[f2], Message[RegulaFalsi::nbrack,f,x,x1,x2]; Return[{}] ]; ibrack=First[ Transpose[ FixedPoint[ RFAux, {{x1,f1},{x2,f2}}, SameTest->RFSame ] ] ]; {x->0.5* (Plus @@ ibrack)} ] Hope that helps Jens BERNARD K KEENAN wrote: > > Hi > I was wondering if anybody knew of a site where there was info on the > modifed method of false position or modified regula falsi. > > bernard keenan