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Re: Commutators and Operator Powers in Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg16692] Re: Commutators and Operator Powers in Mathematica
  • From: Daniel Lichtblau <danl>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 02:09:03 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • References: <7ct2c2$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Alan Lewis wrote:
> I am looking for any links or suggestions on implementing
> commutation relations  and powers of differential operators
> in mathematica.
> As an example, I have two operators L0 and L1 that act on arbitrary
> (well say infinitely differentiable) functions f[x]
>  L0 simply multiplies f[x] by x.
>  L1  = a x^(3/2) D[f[x],x] + b x^2 D[f[x],{x,2}]
> where a,b are constants independent of x. The second line is not
> meant to be working math. code but is just meant to explain the action
> of this differential operator.
> Now what I want to do is be able to evaluate repeated commutators
> and powers of these operators. For example, the first commutator
> should evaluate to:
> [L0,L1]f[x] = x L1 f[x] - L1 (x f[x]) =
>              -a x^(3/2) f[x] - 2 b x^2 D[f[x],x]
> I would also like to evaluate powers such as
> L1^n, meaning the operator acts on f[x] n times. Repeated
> commutators are expressions like
> [L1,[L0,L1]] or [L0,[L0,L1]], etc.
> The action of L1 is just an example, but the general class of operators
> I am interested in are always the sum of a first and second derivative
> with simple expressions like the above in front of the derivative.
> And L0 is always multiplication by x.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
> Alan

Here is some code to tangle with differential operators. 

differentialOperate[a_, expr_, var_] /; FreeQ[a, D] := a*expr
differentialOperate[L1_ + L2_, expr_, var_] :=
  differentialOperate[L1, expr, var] + differentialOperate[L2, expr,
differentialOperate[a_*L_, expr_, var_] /; FreeQ[a, D] :=
  a*differentialOperate[L, expr, var]
differentialOperate[D^(n_.), expr_, var_] := D[expr, {var, n}]
differentialOperate[L1_**L2_, expr_, var_] :=
  differentialOperate[L1, differentialOperate[L2, expr, var], var]
differentialOperate[L1_**L2_**L3__, expr_, var_] :=
  differentialOperate[L1, differentialOperate[L2**L3, expr, var], var]
differentialOperate[bracket[L1_,L2_], expr_, var_] := Expand[
  differentialOperate[L1, differentialOperate[L2, expr, var], var] -
  differentialOperate[L2, differentialOperate[L1, expr, var], var]]
differentialOperate[L1_^(n_.), expr_, var_] :=
	Nest[Expand[differentialOperate[L1,#,var]]&, expr, n]

For your examples, one has

L0 = x;
L1 = a*x^(3/2)*D + b*x^2*D^2;


In[12]:= differentialOperate[bracket[L0,L1], f[x], x]

              3/2              2
Out[12]= -(a x    f[x]) - 2 b x  f'[x]

In[21]:= e1 = Expand[differentialOperate[L1, f[x], x]]

            3/2            2
Out[21]= a x    f'[x] + b x  f''[x]

In[22]:= e2 = Expand[differentialOperate[L1, e1, x]]

                3/2            2  2
         3 a b x    f'[x]   3 a  x  f'[x]      2  2
Out[22]= ---------------- + ------------- + 2 b  x  f''[x] +
                4                 2

            5/2           2  3             2  3  (3)
>    5 a b x    f''[x] + a  x  f''[x] + 4 b  x  f   [x] +

            7/2  (3)       2  4  (4)
>    2 a b x    f   [x] + b  x  f   [x]

In[23]:= differentialOperate[L1^2, f[x], x] == e2

Out[23]= True

A slightly cruder version of this may all be found in a notebook I
prepared for the 1998 Worldwide Mathematica Users Conference, a copy of
which can be found at:

in the section "Some noncommutative algebraic manipulation". There is
also some code therein to do algebraic simplification in a commutator
algebra which may be of relevance.

Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

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