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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17346] Re: [mg17292] INFORMATIONS
  • From: BobHanlon at
  • Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 01:45:52 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In a message dated 5/1/99 12:36:27 AM, lwpao at writes:

>I am a new "Mathematica" user.
>I'm not a mathematician but interested in "Mathematica" possibilities about
>combinatory calculations.
>I've read the about Help file but I haven't understood how in practice
>I can
>do it.  How to order the computer to do for example this:
>input:  3 5 15 22 52 90
>output: show me all the possible combinations for those numbers.
>Can you teach me about, showing me step by step what I can do?
>My "Mathematica" version is 3.0 and my operative system is Mac OS 8.5
>I'd like also informations about Italian sites for "Mathematica" and about
>combinatorica related to Lottos and Lotteries (also in english).


selection = {3, 5, 15, 22, 52, 90};
n = Length[selection];

For n numbers, there are n! possible permutations (different orderings).  
For n =6 that is 6! = 720, i.e.,

n! == 6! == 720


Loading the standard add-on package DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`


These n! permutations are given by the function MinimumChangePermutations



There are n!/(m! * (n-m)!) subsets of these n objects taken m at a time.  
For example, for n = 6 and m = 2 there are 6!/(2! * 4!) = 15 subsets

KSubsets[selection, 2]

{{3, 5}, {3, 15}, {3, 22}, {3, 52}, {3, 90}, {5, 15}, 
  {5, 22}, {5, 52}, {5, 90}, {15, 22}, {15, 52}, {15, 90}, 
  {22, 52}, {22, 90}, {52, 90}}


And @@ Table[Length[KSubsets[selection, m]] == n!/(m! * (n-m)!), {m, 0, n}]


For all possible values of m, there are 2^n such subsets (every possibility 
where each element is either included or not)

Sum[k!/(m! * (k-m)!), {m, 0, k}] == 2^k // FullSimplify


where k was used instead of n since n was given the specific value of 6.  
Using k shows that the result is true for all values of k including k = n = 6.

Bob Hanlon

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