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Re: subsidiary conditions in Solve?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17349] Re: [mg17324] subsidiary conditions in Solve?
  • From: BobHanlon at
  • Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 01:45:53 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In a message dated 5/1/99 5:29:03 AM, sandra at rgmiller.Stanford.EDU writes:

>I'm trying to solve simultaneous equations, and I'd like to include some
>subsidiary conditions which place restrictions on quantities (like the
>variance) to be positive.  Examples of these conditions are: 
> 2            2 
>E (M) > (E(M))
>     2
>sigma  > 0
>     M
>Here's a simple example -- in this case, I'd like to rule out the solution
>x=-3.  I'm following p. 825, "3.4.9 Solving Equations with Subsidiary
>Conditions" of the 1999 Mathematica Book.
>In[92]:= subsid1 = Greater[x,0]
>Out[92]= x > 0
>In[93]:= Solve[x^2 + x - 6 == 0, subsid1]
>General::ivar: x > 0 is not a valid variable.
>                         2
>Out[93]= Solve[-6 + x + x  == 0, x > 0]
>What am I doing wrong?

The subsidiary conditions given in section 3.4.9 are themselves equations 
(equalities) not inequalities.  Here are some alternatives for inequaliities.

Select[Solve[x^2 + x - 6 == 0, x], (x /. #)>0&]

{{x -> 2}}

Cases[Solve[x^2 + x - 6 == 0, x], x_?((x /. #)>0&)]

{{x -> 2}}

Cases[Solve[x^2 + x - 6 == 0, x], x_?(Positive[x /. #]&)]

{{x -> 2}}


InequalitySolve[x^2 + x - 6 == 0 && x > 0, x]

x == 2

Bob Hanlon

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