Re: InputString prompts
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg17401] Re: InputString prompts
- From: "P.J. Hinton" <paulh>
- Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 02:44:15 -0400
- Organization: "Wolfram Research, Inc."
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
On Mon, 3 May 1999, in article <7gfsol$6gf at>, Kristen Rounds <krounds at> writes: > I would like to customize the prompt for an InputString to display 3 > matrices, as well as a text statement. This is my code as is: > > terma=InputString["Which term of the A matrix to change"]; > > I would like to add the display of > MatrixForm[A1x],MatrixForm[A1y],MatrixForm[A1z] to the question "Which > term of the A matrix to change". Is there a way to do this? No, you can't display two-dimensional typeset text in the label of an Input[] generated dialog. However, you can use notebook manipulation commands to display this type of prompt within a smaller notebook that acts as a dialog box. notebookDialog[inputPrompt_String, labelBoxes_] := Module[{nbObj}, nbObj = NotebookPut[ Notebook[{Cell[TextData[inputPrompt], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[labelBoxes], "DisplayFormula"], Cell[BoxData[RowBox[{"\[Placeholder]"}]], "Text", CellTags -> {"text field"}], Cell[BoxData[ ButtonBox["OK", ButtonFunction :> FrontEndExecute[{FrontEnd`NotebookLocate["text field"]; FrontEndToken["Copy"]; NotebookClose[ButtonNotebook[], Interactive -> False]}], ButtonEvaluator -> None, ButtonFrame -> "DialogBox"]], "Text" , Active -> True]}, WindowSize -> {FitAll, FitAll}]]; While[MemberQ[Notebooks[], nbObj], Sleep[1]]; SelectionMove[ClipboardNotebook[], All, Notebook]; ToExpression[ NotebookRead[ClipboardNotebook[]] /. Cell[BoxData[boxes_], __, ___] -> boxes]] Here is an example of its usage: A1x = Array[Ax,{2,2}] A1y = Array[Ay,{2,2}] A1z = Array[Az, {2,2}] notebookDialog["Which term of the A matrix to change", ToBoxes[MatrixForm /@ {A1x, A1y,A1z}]] Note that you have to convert your displayed expression into boxes. If you have trouble getting valid results from ClipboardNotebook[], let me know, and I will post an alternative method for getting the data out of the dialog box notebook. -- P.J. Hinton Mathematica Programming Group paulh at Wolfram Research, Inc. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone.