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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17618] Display[PICT]
  • From: "William B. Marks" <bmarks at>
  • Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 02:45:20 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

It's easy to make small mvies on the Mac; just select the cells and
ConvertTo QuickTime or SaveSelectionAs BitmapPICT.  But FrontEnd memory
limits the number of frames per batch.  To make large movies it's natural
to try to convert frames as they are made into PICT using Display.

But Display seems to be broken on Macs.   Would you execute the following
Mathematica 3.0 code, look at the resulting PICT, and tell me if it has the
resolution of the original?  If not, how to make it so?  There are problems
with color too, but not with this picture.  But if we can solve this
perhaps I will solve the color ones next.  To look at it I just click on it
so it goes to SimpleText.  The picture is the same if I drop it onto Moover.

gr = Plot3D[Sin[x] Sin[y^2], {x,0,4},{y,0,2}, Mesh->False, Boxed->False,
Axes->False, PlotPoints->30];

convertGrtoPICT[gr_, dir_] :=
	Display["Gr.Pict", gr, "PICT"];

convertGrtoPICT[gr, dir]

I have tried various combinations of ImageSize ->  and ImageResolution ->
in Display.  Usually ImageResolution just changes the size of the resulting
pictire.  If I compensate by changing ImageSize, the result is just as
coarse as before.

In short, does Display convert to PICT correctly?

Bill Marks

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