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Napiers formula

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17629] Napiers formula
  • From: Kjell Stenman <kjells at>
  • Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 03:37:27 -0400
  • Organization: ITV
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

My problem is to decide which point that is the true point.
I want to calculate a intersection point on the average earth (radius =
6371000 meter)
The formula I use is Napier´s equations (10a & 10b).
A = point1
B = point2
I = Intersection point

beta = bearing A to B - bearing A to I
gamma = bearing B to I - bearing B to A
It says:

k1 = cos((beta + gamma)/2);                      /* 10a */
k2 = tan(a/2) * cos((beta - gamma) / 2);
k3 = atan(k2/k1) * 2;  // b + c = k3

k4 = sin((beta + gamma) / 2);                     /* 10b */
k5 = tan(a/2) * sin((beta - gamma)/2);
k6 = atan(k5/k4) * 2;  // b - c = k6 -> c = b - k6

bb = fabs((k6 + k3)/2);                         // b + b - k6 = k3 ->2b = k3
+ k6
cc = fabs(bb - k6);

lengthn_b = bb * 6371000;
lengthn_c = cc * 6371000;

if I move point A lengthn_b (meter) in direction A to I, I believe I got the
intersection point (p1)
if I move point B lengthn_c (meter) in direction B to I, I believe I got the
intersection point (p2)

but p1 != p2
Where is the error?

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