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Don't change my definition of a function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20691] Don't change my definition of a function
  • From: "Toshiyuki (Toshi) Meshii" <meshii at>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 02:10:20 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I think Math4 (Win98) is changing the definition of a function every time I
execute some procedures.
Can somebody let me know what is happening?

Here it is.

I defined FM[x] as
FM[x_]=1.122- 1.4 x +  7.33 x^2 - 13.08 x^3 + 14. x^4

After I run

dn = Table[FindRoot[ f[d] == 0, {d, 0.05 + (j - 1) 300},
                        MaxIterations -> 100], {j, 1, 8}];
an =
    dn[[j, 1, 2]] BesselJ[ 1, dn[[j, 1, 2]]  ri] +  
      h BesselJ[ 0, dn[[j, 1, 2]] ri], {j, 1, 8}];
bn = Table[ 
    dn[[j, 1, 2]]BesselY[ 1, dn[[j, 1, 2]]  ri] +  
      h BesselY[ 0, dn[[j, 1, 2]]ri], {j, 1, 8}];
cn = Table[ dn[[j, 1, 2]]BesselJ[1, dn[[j, 1, 2]] ro], {j, 1, 8}];
en = Table[ dn[[j, 1, 2]]BesselY[1, dn[[j, 1, 2]] ro], {j, 1, 8}];

FM[x] is still same as defined.   However, after I run

Do[d1 = dn[[j, 1, 2]]; c1 = cn[[j]]; a1 = an[[j]]; 
  Print["n = ", j, " ,", N[( Pi c1^2h)/(c1^2(d1^2 + h^2) - (a1 d1)^2)]], {j,

FM[x] is changed as follows.
1.122 - 66.7236 x +  7.33 x^2 - 13.08 x^3 + 14. x^4

Yes!   Coefficient of x is by some reason changed.    Why?


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