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Re: Distinct Compositions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20845] [mg20845] Re: Distinct Compositions
  • From: Rob Pratt <rpratt at>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 03:41:03 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I will answer the first question, which asks for the number of ordered
compositions of n into k distinct parts.  (Compositions are partitions 
where the parts can be zero.)

First define Q[n,k] to be the number of partitions of n into k distinct
nonzero parts.  It is a good exercise to prove that Q[n,k] satisfies the
following properties, which we can then use to define Q[n,k] in

Q[0,0] = 1
Q[n,k] = 0 if n < 0
Q[n,k] = Q[n-k,k] + Q[n-k,k-1]

As a check, we can define Q[n_]:=Sum[Q[n,k],{k,0,n}] and compare with the
results from the built-in command PartitionsQ.  (In this message, the Q
ending on commands will indicate distinctness.)  By the way, the 
generating function for PartitionsQ is Product[1+x^i,{i,1,n}].

Now we can go from partitions into distinct parts to compositions into
distinct parts by noting that either 0 appears as one of the parts or
it doesn't.


So far, everything has been unordered.  Since the parts are distinct, we
can just permute.

NumberOfOrderedCompositionsQ[n_,k_]:=k! NumberOfCompositionsQ[n,k]

We get

NumberOfOrderedCompositionsQ[8,4] = 48, as confirmed by your example.

You can use the recursion above to write a command to get the
actual compositions themselves, rather than just the number.

Rob Pratt
Department of Operations Research
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

rpratt at

On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Eugene wrote:

> Hello,
> I need an efficient function (algorithm) to generate an object ?Distinct
> compositions of an integer?. I called so, since it is closed to
> ?Compositions? (from Combinatorica package). It should have the
> following properties:
> Sum [(all possible enumeration of) ?k? distinct integers ] = = N ; where
> N is a target integer and 0 <= each integer <= (limit) integer ?m? ; Ek
> distinct;
> In other words this is:
> All integer solutions to:
> Sum[E1+E2+?+Ek] = = N  where  0 <= Ek <= m ; with the constraint each Ek
> is distinct
> Examples:
> *the target integer is N = 8 , k = 4 , m = N = 8:
> Sum[0,0,0,8] = = 8  is not a solution since there are more then one ?0?;
> Sum[0,1,2,5] = = 8  is a solution since all ?candidate? integers are
> distinct;
> Sum[2,1,0,5] = = 8 is a solution ( the order of the integers is
> different);
> The simplest way I know to do it is to generate all Compositions and
> then to exclude all repeated (non distinct) elements (this is working
> only when m = N):
> In[216]:=
> Select[Compositions[8,4],Length[#]==Length[Union[#]]&]
> Out[216]=
> {{0,1,2,5},{0,1,3,4},{0,1,4,3},{0,1,5,2},{0,2,1,5},{0,2,5,1},{0,3,1,4},{0,3,4,
> 1},{0,4,1,3},{0,4,3,1},{0,5,1,2},{0,5,2,1},{1,0,2,5},{1,0,3,4},{1,0,4,3},{
> 1,0,5,2},{1,2,0,5},{1,2,5,0},{1,3,0,4},{1,3,4,0},{1,4,0,3},{1,4,3,0},{1,5,
> 0,2},{1,5,2,0},{2,0,1,5},{2,0,5,1},{2,1,0,5},{2,1,5,0},{2,5,0,1},{2,5,1,
> 0},{3,0,1,4},{3,0,4,1},{3,1,0,4},{3,1,4,0},{3,4,0,1},{3,4,1,0},{4,0,1,3},{
> 4,0,3,1},{4,1,0,3},{4,1,3,0},{4,3,0,1},{4,3,1,0},{5,0,1,2},{5,0,2,1},{5,1,
>     0,2},{5,1,2,0},{5,2,0,1},{5,2,1,0}}
> This method is not efficient even for modest values of N, because the
> magnitude of growing of ?Compositions? is much faster then magnitude of
> growing of ?Distinct Compositions?:
> In[228]:=
> NumberOfCompositions[8,4]= =Binomial[8+4-1,8]= =
>   Coefficient[Sum[x^i,{i,0,8}]^4,x^8]= =165
> Out[228]=
> True
> ***task1: Does someone know how to calculate ?number of Distinct
> Compositions? (generating function or Binomial expansion)?
> ***task2: Does someone know efficient algorithm( I mean ? faster then
> Backtracking) for generating ?Distinct Compositions?? (will an iterating
> algorithm be better)?
> Thank you for your time and any suggestions!
> Eugene
> PS:
> (Only for reference) I will place here the code for generating
> ?Compositions?.(there is a bijection between Compositions of an integer
> and k-subsets of the form KSubsets[Range[n+k-1],n]   ):
> Compositions[n_Integer,k_Integer] :=
>  Map[
>   (Map[(#[[2]]-#[[1]]-1)&, Partition[Join[{0},#,{n+k}],2,1] ])&,
>   KSubsets[Range[n+k-1],k-1]
>  ]

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