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Q: how do I get the TCP port number for $ParentLink

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg19714] Q: how do I get the TCP port number for $ParentLink
  • From: Xing Jing Li <xingjing at>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 16:36:14 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I am working on an online test project and we are going to use the
mathematica as the grading and symbolic input/output tool. I need to
connect the local front end to a remote kernel run on a Unix server. I can
start the remote kernel on the local notebook, then there is a pop-up
window tells me that

"Link Created on: XXXX at 128.173.XX.XX"

I then must go to the server and tell Unix to do the following:

math -mathlink -LinkMode Connect -LinkName "XXXX at 128.173.XX.XX"

there my notebook will run on the remote kernel.

However, I must make the connections transparent for students to see. So I
must eliminate the pop-up window and send the port number and IP address
directly to the server. How can I access the TCP port number for the kernel
so that I can tell the server to connect. I tried

link=LinkCrate["5000", LinkProtocol->"TCP"];
then on the server I did:
math -mathlink -LinkMode Connect -LinkName "5000 at 128.173.XX.XX"
come back to the notebook I said:
then my local kernel just tell me that "Kernel is out of memory". If I
close the local kernel I just lose the connection.

How can I delete the pop-up window but get hold the port number for the
kernel. In another word, how can I automate the connection? I am running
the Mathematica 3.0.1 on MacOS 8.6.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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