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Manipulating a list of pairs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg19689] Manipulating a list of pairs
  • From: hans.steffani at (Hans Steffani)
  • Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 16:35:59 -0400
  • Organization: Chemnitz University of Technology, GER
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I have a list of pairs and manipulate it with things like

lumpi[{f_, amp_}]:={f, Power[2 Pi f,2] U / amp}
Map[ lumpi, thelist]

is there an easier way without introducing "lumpi" to do this?

Hans Friedrich Steffani
Hans Friedrich Steffani
Institut fuer Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe, TU Chemnitz
mailto:hans.steffani at

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