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RE: 3DPlots... Also, generalizations to nDPlots, n>3

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg19744] RE: [mg19736] 3DPlots... Also, generalizations to nDPlots, n>3
  • From: "Ersek, Ted R" <ErsekTR at>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 03:53:00 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Kai G. Gauer  wrote:

I am one of those students who is considering an upgrade from
Mathematica 3 -> Mathematica 4. One of the options that I rely on in
Mathematica a lot is its supposed compatibility in combining different types
of plots.

For instance, when I Plot3D a surface, the output comes complete with
boxed divisions along the surface. This can be polished up to almost any
degree of precision, but, even after the lines which justify the
boundaries of the faces ("bends") of the surface are removed (ie no
longer black), the output still gives the same facet approximations. Say
that instead of wanting to tile the surface with rectangles, we want to tile
with n rhombuses (the "sizes/shapes" of which do not change by > epsilon
globally in the interval in question). Or, let's say that we wish to plot
any one set of (maybe infinitely many) geodesic lines along a minimal

... and so on
... and so on
... and so on

I have seen examples of how you can make Graphics3D where the surface isn't
tiled with rectangles. I don't have an example handy, but I think this is
one of the subjects covered in the book by Tom Wickham-Jones.  See

I don't understand everything you want to do, but I am confident one could
program Mathematica to do it all (except infinitely many geodesic lines)
provided one can come up with a suitable algorithm.

Ted Ersek

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