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Re: Coordinate Transformations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg19896] Re: Coordinate Transformations
  • From: John Doty <jpd at>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 18:47:41 -0400
  • Organization: The Internet Access Company, Inc.
  • References: <7rsitq$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

If you happen to have unit vectors of one coordinate system in terms of
the other's coordinates, it's easy: the vectors are just the rows (or
columns, depending on which direction you want to make the
transformation) of the rotation matrix (in the obvious order).

As a major application area for this math is spacecraft attitude
control, I suggest you ask some rocket scientist to lend you a copy of
Wertz (shouldn't be hard to find a rocket scientist in Huntsville :-).

Jason Rupert wrote:
>                              Please Reply to: rupertj at
> Hello All,
> I have crusied the web, read the Mathematica help, and looked at many of the
> posted email questions but none answer my question. Maybe ya'll can help. I
> am working on a project that involves several different coordinate systems.
> These coordinate systems are arbitrarily set-up by me to easyily describe
> that part of the system. I will have to be able to write the position,
> velocity, acceleration, etc. vectors in terms of these several different
> coordinates. All the unit vectors are orthogonal and right-handed. I also
> have all the angles involved in the rotation from one coordinate system to
> another. Is their any way to set-up a rotation matrices so that this can
> easily be done? Does any one have an example that I can follow? Any help you
> can offer will be greatly appreciated. Can you refrence me to any sources to
> examine. Are there any Mathematica user groups where daily postings are
> made?
> Thanks again,
> Jason Rupert
> UAH Huntsville, AL
> Reply to: rupertj at
> ______________________________________________________
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John Doty		"You can't confuse me, that's my job."
Home: jpd at
Work: jpd at

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