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Re: Startup Notebook?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg23267] Re: [mg23156] Startup Notebook?
  • From: Jean-Marie Thomas <jmt at>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 22:05:09 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: TeA
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Autoloading is done using an init.m file located in
or similar mechanisms like

The "Untitled1" notebook is, as far as I understand, a hard-coded feature, so
cannot be suppressed.


On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, James Fuite and Tania Nordli wrote:
> Dear Advanced Mathematica Users,
>     I have a particular notebook that I would like Mathematica to open
> during startup.
> In Mathematica 3.0 on MacOS 8.1, one can take the following actions in
> the front end: File | Notebooks (where recently used notebooks are
> found) | modify this menu | (select a particular notebook name from the
> list then press) Edit | then there is a checkbox that simply allows
> Mathematica to open the indicated notebook during future program start
> ups.  This works fine, such that upon subsequent program initiations,
> the appropriate notebook is lauched, except that the usual blank default
> untitled startup notebook is there (on top), ruining any sense of
> elegance.  How do I stop Mathematica from bringing up the blank default
> untitled notebook during start up?
>     The above question is what I desire answered, so don't be distracted
> by the following lesser observations and questions unless you are
> interested.
>     In trying to answer the above question myself, I seached the
> archives as well as I could for hints.  I found two other questions
> similar to mine that both went unanswered (mg5419 and mg9126).  It is
> curious that we all have the same Mathematica version on the same OS.
> My secondary questions are:  Does the Format | Option Inspector |
> Global Options | File Locations | AutoloadPath setting work for
> Mathematica 3.0 on MacOS?  Can I place notebooks (init.m or otherwise)
> in the last folder of the AutoloadPath directory and expect them to be
> lauched automatically?  I ask this because notebooks in such folders do
> not launch for me now.
>      Sincerely,
>      James J. Fuite.

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