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Re: Confusing Behavior of LogPlot vs. Plot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg24843] Re: Confusing Behavior of LogPlot vs. Plot
  • From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 03:24:08 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <8naqgs$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I give an explanation and a work-round.

f[a_, x_] := Exp[-a x^2];
x = 3.;
a = 4; LogPlot[f[a, x], {x, -1, 1}] // Short

        ScaledPlot[{f[a, x]}, <<4>>, Options[Li<<10>>t]]




So the x in in { x, -1, 1} is picking up the assignment x=3 and we are then
 LogPlot[f[a, x], {3., -1, 1}].
(why is LogPlot not protected?)

This evaluation of x does not happen with Plot because


        {HoldAll, Protected}


We can block out x and get the graphics:

Block[{x}, a = 4; LogPlot[f[a, x], {x, -1, 1}]];

but, unfortunately, simply giving LogPlot the attribute HoldAll  does not
work - the package needs to be be examined.

Allan Hayes
Mathematica Training and Consulting
Leicester UK
hay at
Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565

"AES" <siegman at> wrote in message
news:8naqgs$f02 at
> If I run the following input cells with the "Table" cell commented out
> as shown, I get four valid and correct plots.
>    Remove["Global`*"]
>    Needs["Graphics`"]
>    f[a_, x_] := Exp[-a x^2]
>    a = 1; Plot[f[a, x], {x, -1, 1}]
>    a = 1; LogPlot[f[a, x], {x, -1, 1}];
>    (* x = 3.; Table[{a, f[x, a]}, {a, 0, 2}] // TableForm *)
>    a = 4; Plot[f[a, x], {x, -1, 1}]
>    a = 4; LogPlot[f[a, x], {x, -1, 1}]
> If, however, I remove the (* and *) and run the notebook including the
> "Table" input cell, both "Plot" plots are still fine, still give correct
> results, but the second "LogPlot" cell doesn't give me a plot at all, it
> gives me the list of options for something called "ScaledPlot".
> (With various other test circumstances, the repeated "Plot" cells always
> continue to function OK, but the repeated "LogPlot" cell gives other
> weird results, e.g, a totally incorrect plot.)
> If I've somehow goofed on this, I apologize -- but if this is how
> LogPlot really works, I'd say that's inexcusably bad interface design.
> If LogPlot looks, smells, and feels like Plot, and does essentially the
> same job as Plot, it should *function* just like Plot.

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