RE: ContourPlot in arbitrary shape domain.
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg21897] RE: [mg21815] ContourPlot in arbitrary shape domain.
- From: "Ersek, Ted R" <ErsekTR at>
- Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 22:55:01 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Roberto Brambilla wrote: -------------------------- Sometimes I've to contour plotting a f(x,y) function on a domain other than rectangular (ring, L,U,T-shapes, multiconnected regions,etc.). --------------------------- This question came up several months ago. On 4-10-99 Allan Hayes posted the brilliant program below to do this. I don't know if it can handle multiconnected regions. If it can't you could use it on several different regions and use Show[ ] to see them all in one graphic. Don't ask me how it works. I tried my best and couldn't figure it out. Regards, Ted Ersek On 12-18-99 Mathematica tips, tricks at had a major update ----------------------------- ParametricContourPlot::usage = "ParametricContourPlot[{x, y, e},{s, smin,smax},{t,tmin,tmax}] where x, y, e are expressions in s,t gives the contours of e over the region defined parametrically by {x,y} for s in {smin,smax} and t in {tmin,tmax}. The output is a Graphics object; the Options for ContourPlot and Graphics may be used together with two special options: ContourStyleFunction (default value {}&;#)\n ContourStyleFunctionScaling (default value True) which determines whether the contour style fumction will receive scaled or unscaled values of e.\n ParametricContourPlot[e, {x,xmin,xmax},{y,ymin,ymax}] gives the contours of e over the region defined parametrically by {x, (1-t) ymin + t ymax} for x in {xmin,xmax} and t in {0,1}."; Options[ParametricContourPlot] = Union[Options[ContourPlot], {ContourStyleFunction -> ({} & ), ContourStyleFunctionScaling -> True}]; Needs["Utilities`FilterOptions`"]; Off[RuleDelayed::rhs]; ParametricContourPlot[{xst_, yst_, expr_}, {s_, smin_, smax_}, {t_, tmin_, tmax_}, (opts___)?OptionQ ] := Module[{csf, csfsc, cp, zmin, zmax, xy, sc, incr, div, d, n, z}, {csf, csfsc} = {ContourStyleFunction, ContourStyleFunctionScaling} /. {opts} /. Options[ParametricContourPlot]; cp = ContourPlot[expr, {s, smin, smax}, {t, tmin, tmax}, DisplayFunction -> Identity, Evaluate[FilterOptions[ContourPlot, Sequence @@ Flatten[{opts}]]] ]; {zmin, zmax} = PlotRange[cp][[-1]]; xy[{s_, t_}] = {xst, yst}; sc[u_] = If[csfsc, (u - zmin)/(zmax - zmin), u]; incr = N[Abs[{smax - smin, tmax - tmin}]/ (PlotPoints - 1 /. {opts} /. Options[ParametricContourPlot])]; (***----------Improved code for d --------***) d[{a_, b_}/;(n = Max[Abs[(b - a)/incr]]) > 1.01] := (n = Ceiling[n]; Sequence @@ Table[a + (i*(b - a))/n, {i, 1, n}]); d[{a_, b_}] := b; div[p_] := d /@ Partition[p, 2, 1]; z[{s_, t_}] = expr; Show[Graphics[cp] /. {{dr___, Line[pts_]} :> {dr, Sequence @@ Flatten[{csf[sc[z[pts[[1]]]]]}], Line[xy /@ pts]}, Polygon[pts_] :> Polygon[xy /@ div[Append[pts, First[pts]]]] }, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction, Evaluate[FilterOptions[Graphics, Sequence @@ Flatten[{opts}]]] ] ] On[RuleDelayed::rhs]; ParametricContourPlot[expr_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, {y_, ymin_, ymax_}, (opts___)?OptionQ] := Module[{t}, ParametricContourPlot[{x, (1 - t)*ymin + t*ymax, Function[{x, y}, expr][x, (1 - t)*ymin + t*ymax]}, {x, xmin, xmax}, {t, 0, 1}, opts]] EXAMPLES ParametricContourPlot[{x, y, x*Sin[x] - Cos[y]} /. {x -> 3*s*Cos[t], y -> s*Sin[t]}, {s, 0, 1}, {t, 0, 2*Pi}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, ContourShading -> True, ColorFunction -> (Hue[0.7*#1] & ), ContourStyleFunction -> (Dashing[{0.005, 0.005}] & ), PlotPoints -> 50]; ParametricContourPlot[{x, y, x*Sin[x] - Cos[y]} /. {x -> 3*s*Cos[t], y -> s*Sin[t]}, {s, 0, 1}, {t, 0, 2*Pi}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> (GrayLevel[1] & ), ContourStyleFunction -> (Hue[0.7*#1] & ), ContourStyleFunctionScaling -> True, ContourShading -> True, Background -> GrayLevel[0.8], PlotPoints -> 50];