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Mathematica Visiting Scholar Grant Program

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21482] Mathematica Visiting Scholar Grant Program
  • From: vsgrant at (Wolfram Research)
  • Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 08:35:30 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Wolfram Research, Inc. proudly announces that applications 
are now being accepted for the 2000-2001 Mathematica Visiting 
Scholar Grant Program. Since 1995, many researchers, 
scientists, and developers from around the world have 
received Visiting Scholar Grants.

Mathematica Visiting Scholar Grants are awarded to 
professionals working on Mathematica-related projects that 
Wolfram Research believes will make a dramatic impact in the 
grant recipients' chosen fields or have potential commercial 
value. Wolfram Research is committed to working with a 
variety of technical professionals in order to serve both 
corporate and academic communities in engineering, finance, 
physics, mathematics, and other specialized areas.

Projects eligible for consideration include the following:

* Application packages
* High school and/or college courseware
* Mathematica-related books and textbooks
* Significant contributions to the MathSource library of
  Mathematica software
* Other Mathematica-related projects

Grant recipients are invited to spend up to eight weeks at 
Wolfram Research's corporate headquarters in Champaign, 
Illinois, to work toward the completion of their projects. 
During this time, visiting scholars have the opportunity to 
consult directly with Wolfram Research staff as well as to 
collaborate with other grant recipients.

Wolfram Research provides a fellowship to cover travel 
expenses and offers living arrangements, office space, and 
the use of a Windows or Macintosh computer during the visit. 
Each grant recipient also receives a complimentary copy of 
the Mathematica software package on the recipient's platform 
of choice.

The deadline for applications for the 2000-2001 Mathematica 
Visiting Scholar Grants is March 1, 2000. Each recipient's 
visit must be completed by March 31, 2001.

For more information about the Visiting Scholar Grant Program 
or to apply for a grant, please visit our web site at or send email to
vsgrant at

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