RE: Cases, Throw, and Catch
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg24197] RE: [mg24182] Cases, Throw, and Catch
- From: Wolf Hartmut <hwolf at>
- Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 01:57:26 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
> -----Original Message----- > From: Mark Fisher [SMTP:me.fisher at] To: mathgroup at > Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 4:51 AM > To: mathgroup at > Subject: [mg24182] Cases, Throw, and Catch > > I just noticed that it is much faster to Throw and Catch from Cases than > to have Cases return the first match on its own. Does anyone know why > this is so and what, if anything, is to be learned? > > Here is the example: > > In[1]:= > xtab = Table[x, {10^6}]; > > In[2]:= > Cases[xtab, x, Infinity, 1] // Timing > > Out[2]= > {0.172 Second, {x}} > > In[3]:= > Catch @ Cases[xtab, Throw[{x}], Infinity, 1] // Timing > > Out[3]= > {0. Second, {x}} > > In[4]:= > ytab = Append[xtab, y]; > > In[5]:= > Cases[ytab, y, Infinity, 1] // Timing > > Out[5]= > {0.437 Second, {y}} > > In[6]:= > Catch @ Cases[ytab, Throw[{y}], Infinity, 1] // Timing > > Out[6]= > {0. Second, {y}} [Wolf Hartmut] Hello Mark, your observation is an optical illusion, see In[23]:= Attributes[Cases] Out[23]= {Protected} So in In[6]:= Catch at Cases[ytab, Throw[{y}], Infinity, 1] // Timing Out[6]= {0.01 Second, {y}} Throw will execute immediately without Cases having worked at all! Compare this with In[21]:= Catch at Cases[ytab, y :> Throw[{y}], Infinity, 1] // Timing Out[21]= {1.242 Second, {y}} and on my machine I get In[5]:= Cases[ytab, y, Infinity, 1] // Timing Out[5]= {1.232 Second, {y}} which is fairly consistent. Select however is much slower here In[10]:= Select[ytab, y === # &, 1] // Timing Out[10]= {32.307 Second, {y}} which should not be astonishing for this application. Here two other procedures to compare In[16]:= Catch[If[y === #, Throw[{y}]] & /@ ytab] // Timing Out[16]= {46.396 Second, {y}} In[19]:= Do[If[y === ytab[[i]], Return[y]], {i, 1, Length[ytab]}] // Timing Out[19]= {54.087 Second, y} Kind regards, Hartmut