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Re: Re: Integrate with If

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg22511] Re: [mg22361] Re: [mg22180] Integrate with If
  • From: Hartmut Wolf <hwolf at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 02:27:11 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: debis Systemhaus
  • References: <> <88jt51$> <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Bergervoet J.R.M. schrieb:
> In <88jt51$9lf at> Hartmut Wolf <hwolf at> writes:
> >> Why does
> >>
> >>         Integrate[If[Sin[t] > 0, 1, 0] , {t, -Pi, Pi}]
> >>
> >Integrate doesn't work with If, use UnitStep instead. So both
> >In[17]:= Plot[UnitStep[t], {t, -Pi, Pi}]
> >Out[17]= Graphics[]
> >In[18]:= Integrate[UnitStep[t], {t, -Pi, Pi}]
> >Out[18]= Pi
> >do well.
> But this functionallity (in order to generalize to functions other than
> Sin[]) would require:
>   Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t,-Pi, Pi}]
> and that still gives 0 (incorrect!). It does work with jump-point 0:
>   Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t,-Pi, 0, Pi}]
> which correctly gives Pi.

Dear Jos,

let's see what is peculiar to that "jump-point". If I do these Integrals

In[1]:= Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, -7.5, -0.1}]
Out[1]= \[Pi]

In[2]:= Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, -0.1, 3.5}]
Out[2]= \[Pi]

they both come out right, however if we join the range of intgration

In[3]:= Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, -7.5, 3.5}]
Out[3]= 10.6416

In[4]:= % == 7.5 + Pi 
Out[4]= True

...we get that peculiar result.  Now inclusion of that jump-point
doesn't help

In[7]:= Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, -7.5, 0, 3.5}]
Out[7]= 13.7832

In[8]:= % - 7.5 == 2 Pi
Out[8]= True

Is that a little bit more correct? possibly.  Let's try other "magic

In[9]:= Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, -7.5, -Pi, 3.5}]
Out[9]= \[Pi]

In[10]:= Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, -7.5, -Pi/2, 3.5}]
Out[10]= 2 \[Pi] we get at least one correct result. So how do we have to make up
the integration range in general? 

After some trial and error I found the following fix:

fixIterator3[{x_Symbol, a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ}] 
  /; OrderedQ[{a, b}] := 
  Join[{x, a}, 
  (4 Range[Ceiling[a /(2Pi) + 1/4], Floor[b /(2Pi) + 1/4]] -1) Pi/2,

fixIterator3[{x_Symbol, a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ}] 
  /; OrderedQ[{b, a}] := 
  Join[{x, a}, 
  (4 Range[Floor[a /(2Pi) + 1/4], Ceiling[b /(2Pi) + 1/4], -1] -1) Pi/2,

Try it with

Plot[Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, 0, b} // fixIterator3], {b, -8 Pi,
8 Pi}]

and compare that with

Plot[Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, 0, b}], {b, -8 Pi, 8 Pi}]
(Perhaps it's interesting to look at a Plot3D with both, lower and upper
integration bounds varyiing -- shure, at some gross resolution)

However this doesn't set up a general rule as to deal with similar
cases. I simply have none.

Integrate appears as a delicate lady who charms those being courteous,
yet she simply won't accept a rude request "hey, solve that!"

Some introspection might help also: what would you do, you had the task
of creating "Integrate"? You certainly would resort to a functional,
"algebraic" calculus -- we are doing computer algebra -- which would
include algebraic functions, all you can reach of the special functions,
UnitStep, of course, and DiracDelta. You would have to deal with
inverse functions, even when the inverse is not unique, with Riemannian
sheets and branch cuts,... You would have a bunch of rewrite rules and a
sophisticated strategy as how to apply them. It's horribly complicated.

Clearly this excludes expressions containing If, Which other things
which are not part of that mathematical calculus you start with. This
was the case of Johan Berglind's posting.

Your case is somewhat different. However that

   Integrate[UnitStep[Sin[t]], {t, ...}]

would be difficult, can be seen when we substitute for the integration

In[61]:= sol = Integrate[UnitStep[u](1 - u^2)^-(1/2), u]
Out[61]= ArcSin[u] UnitStep[u]

And then 

   Subtract @@ (sol /. {{u -> b}, {u -> a}})

gives a correct answer between -Pi/2 <= a, b <= Pi/2.  The problem here
of course comes from the inversion of the Sin function (and
additionally, introduced by myself) from the adequate sign for the
square root. If you deal well with the latter you'll get a correct
answer for -Pi/2 <= a, b <= 3 Pi/2.

Certainly I don't know about the internal mechanism of Integrate, but
this observation was the base of my guess for that fixIterator3 above.

Now, what would happen, if we tried

In[74]:= Integrate[UnitStep[BesselJ[0, t]], {t, -10., 10.}]

Well, simply nothing. So the case here is that the "functional calculus"
is just not implemented as far as we wish. In version 3 this was in a
seperate package Calculus`DiracDelta`, a glimpse into it might reveal

This doesn't mean we cannot proceed further. A possibility could be to

FindRoot[BesselJ[0, t] == 0, {t, #}] & /@ (Pi Range[5])

to get at the zeroes, use them for a definition with UnitStep, and with
that integrate any function effectively over the ranges with positive

(This may be preferable to separate integration over individual ranges
when the bounds are parametric and ranges might become overlapping)

Kind regards,  Hartmut

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