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Re: plot discrete spectrum

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg23320] Re: [mg23266] plot discrete spectrum
  • From: BobHanlon at
  • Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 00:43:04 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

It is not that the PointSize is ignored, but rather that there are no points 
since they were all replaced by lines. I misunderstood what you desired. For 
both points and lines, you could use

plt = (ListPlot[data, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.015],   RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, 
          DisplayFunction -> Identity, PlotRange -> All] /. 
        Point[{x_, y_}] :> Sequence[Point[{x, y}], Line[{{x, y}, {x, 0}}]]);

Although this makes the points and the lines the same color. If you want the 
points and lines to be distinct colors then you could use

plt = ListPlot[data, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.015],   RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, 
      DisplayFunction -> Identity, PlotRange -> All] ;

      plt /.  {Point[{x_, y_}] :> Line[{{x, y}, {x, 0}}], 
          RGBColor[1, 0, 0] :> RGBColor[0, 0, 1]}}, 
    DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction, Frame -> True];

In a message dated 5/1/2000 11:15:27 AM, murray at writes:

>That's an interesting way to do it.  But if, instead of the PlotStyle
>optioon you prescribed, I use instead, say,
>   PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.015], Red}
>then the PointSize seems to be ignored.
>BobHanlon at wrote:
>> data = Table[{x = 4Pi(Random[] - .5), Sin[x]/x}, {20}];
>> plt = (ListPlot[data, PlotStyle -> RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
>>           DisplayFunction -> Identity, PlotRange -> All] /.
>>         Point[{x_, y_}] :> Line[{{x, y}, {x, 0}}]);
>> Show[plt, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction, Frame -> True];
>> In a message dated 4/29/2000 10:29:33 PM, murray at writes:
>> >Is there an easy way to do a ListPlot[{{{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, ..., {xn,
>> >yn}} in which each a perpendicular is dropped from each dot to the
>> >horizontal axis?
>> >
>> >Of course, when can combine the ListPlot with a Graphics object
>> >consisting of line segments.  I prefer a way that avoids using graphics
>> >primitives directly.
>> >
>> >The sort of plot I want is what's usually done to display, for example,
>> >the energy spectrum of a Fourier series.
>> Bob
>> BobHanlon at


BobHanlon at

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